Simple Calculator

This calculator supports evaluating elementary arithmetic expressions

You may enter any expression that incorporates addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/), and also brackets ( )

Note: The speed of execution is proportional to the size/length of the expression

Input Rules:

Division by 0 should not occur in the input

There can be no two consecutive operators in the input.

'+' is not used as a unary operation, that means "+1" and "+(2 + 3)" are invalid expressions.

'-' could be used as a unary operation, that means "-1" and "-(2 + 3)" are valid expressions.

The sequence of brackets should come in valid pairs, that is the number of opening brackets should match the closing brackets

The expression is invalid if, in any part of the expression, number of ')' is greater than the number of '('. For example: (3+7))-9 is invalid

Please enter the expression

The result is: